Chiropractic is art in the same way that sculpting or painting or singing is art. All of those take practice, all are a way to express your passions. The art of chiropractic is not just about applying force that moves a bone and causing a pop.
Chiropractic is about energy and just the right force used in the right way to cause a powerful and positive change in the nervous system. It is about using that art to facilitate positive change in that person’s body. I like the term facilitate because that is what I do. I am not forcing. I am not coercing or manipulating. I am facilitating a change the body is trying to do on its own.
The art is in the touch, that human connection that, in a lot of cases, will start the positive adjustment before I apply any force at all. For lack of better words, it is that “extra something” that you can recognize in an instant even while it could take a lifetime to define.
One of the advantages I have is that when I graduated I went to work in a practice that allowed me to do 400 to 500 adjustments per week. I was there for a year and a half and in that time I had done roughly 25,000-35,000 adjustments. That is a lot of practice, a lot of honing my skill, a lot of perfecting my art and that separates me from many others in this field.
It is a huge blessing for me and for those who come in here. I’ve felt a lot of spines, I’ve moved a lot of bones. It’s part of why moms trust me with their kids. They completely trust that I’m not just a bull in a china closet and not applying any more force than is required.
— Dr. Bo